NLP News - GAN Playground, 2 Big ML Challenges, Pytorch NLP models, Linguistics in *ACL, mixup, Feature Visualization, Fidelity-weighted Learning
The 10th edition of the NLP Newsletter contains the following highlights: Training your GAN in the browser? ✅ Solutions for the two major challenges in Machine Learning? ✅ Pytorch implementations of various NLP models? ✅ Blog posts on the role of linguistics in *ACL? ✅ Pros and cons of mixup, a recent data augmentation method? ✅ An overview of how to visualize features in neural networks? ✅ Fidelity-weighted learning, a new semi-supervised learning technique? ✅
NLP News - GAN Playground, 2 Big ML Challenges, Pytorch NLP models, Linguistics in *ACL, mixup, Feature Visualization, Fidelity-weighted Learning
NLP News - GAN Playground, 2 Big ML…
NLP News - GAN Playground, 2 Big ML Challenges, Pytorch NLP models, Linguistics in *ACL, mixup, Feature Visualization, Fidelity-weighted Learning
The 10th edition of the NLP Newsletter contains the following highlights: Training your GAN in the browser? ✅ Solutions for the two major challenges in Machine Learning? ✅ Pytorch implementations of various NLP models? ✅ Blog posts on the role of linguistics in *ACL? ✅ Pros and cons of mixup, a recent data augmentation method? ✅ An overview of how to visualize features in neural networks? ✅ Fidelity-weighted learning, a new semi-supervised learning technique? ✅